About Me


A little bit about me: I'm David Witten, a junior at Stanford originally from Maryland. I made this website in 9th grade and consistently wrote posts throughout high school/freshman year. I’m not really active on this anymore, but you can always feel free to reach out below!

My primary interests are mathematics/computer science, specifically understanding the world through data. Back in the day, I used to do a lot of algorithmic programming in Python, and wrote several programming languages (most are explained in Blog).

About Mathwizurd

Mathwizurd.com addresses math topics, and other topics, like coding interview problems or riddles. I write about every major subject, including physics, biology, chemistry, and government.


Why Mathwizurd?

A long time ago (like 8 years ago), I made an AoPS (Art of Problem Solving) account name "Mathwizard", because I thought it would be funny and I was young. However, "Mathwizard" was taken, so I changed it to "Mathwizurd".

When I decided to make a website, I started with "davidwitten.com", "mathhelper.com"... but they were all taken, so I eventually settled on my original name "mathwizurd.com" 

I've been using that username for many accounts since, and I decided that would be my site name. In the future, I may change my name, but for now it’s staying as is.

Let’s chat!

That's basically it, if you have any questions, comments, or just want to chat, feel free to reach out!

Either go to the contact page or email dawitten at stanford dot edu (wrote it out so my email won't be scraped).


If you're interested, here's my LinkedIn.